Fleet Owners and Transport Contractors

Leading Logistics Company since 1981 with over 100 vehicles

Serving Customs Clearing Houses and Freight Forwarding Agents

“Baska Bombay Carriers” - Back bone to the Industry.

We take pride in introducing ourselves as the one of the leading Logistic Company,
established in the year 1981 managed by Shri. Rajan Sahijwani.

We have a skilled trained staff of 50 personnel’s to manage the affairs of the company with utmost transparency and ensure time bound deliveries.

All our vehicles are fitted with top of the line “ Vehicle Monitoring System” (GPS) Where we can track our vehicles 24X7 and there is a unique system of immobilizing of the vehicle in case of theft. We have also introduced alerts for clients on their email as soon as the vehicle leaves the clients factory and as it reaches the destination. We are also in the process of introducing more value added services on our tracking system.

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